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摆脱贫困(英) [Up and out of Poverty]
会员价:$34.99  VIP价:$33.24
作者:习近平 著
出版日期:2015年1月    ISBN:9787119105550
版次:1 版    印次:1 次
开本:32    页数:1     装帧:简装
商品所属分类:图书 - 人文/社科 - 社会科学总论
会员促销价: $34.99 (0% Off)   VIP促销价:$33.24 (5% Off)
预订价: $29.25 (16% Off)

The nine counties and cities of Ningde Prefecture constitute one of Fujian's more impoverished regions. Even though I visited all of those counties when I worked in Fujian, I always regretted not being able to help Ningde Prefecture more than I was able to at the time.
I was greatly inspired while recently reading some of the speeches and articles written by my colleague Xi Jinping while he was working in Ningde Prefecture. I have also been fortunate enough to revisit several counties in that region lately where I was very excited to see that the people there no longer have to worry about daily necessities, the economy is thriving, and the leadership of the prefectural committee of the Communist Party of China is in high spirits. All of this to a certain extent makes up for what I was unable to accomplish.
During their nearly two years working in Ningde, Xi Jinping and the departments under his leadership took the lead in implementing their "four grassroots initiatives. Their detailed inspections and informed considerations of Ningde's own characteristics and history allowed them to make proposals firmly rooted in the local situation.
They thoroughly did away with the current bad leadership habits of grandiose, empty, and formulaic speech. Even though after he moved on to new posts from Ningde, there is no doubt that the good conduct Xi jinping practiced has been an inspiration to his successors, as what exists today comes from the past.
The strongest feature of Xi jinping's writing from this period is that it never strays from the focus of economic development. This focus has become even clearer after Deng Xiaoping's speeches given during his recent south China inspection tour. This was not always the case, however, and for quite a long time some people had different opinions. Prefectures, counties, cities, departments, and enterprises certainly faced daunting workloads, and some people often-consciously or unconsciously - focused their attention on tasks other than economic development in order to showcase their other achievements. Some of these tasks were undoubtedly quite important, but nevertheless we still had to take economic development, and not any other issue, as our ultimate goal. Too many unrelated objectives will necessarily weaken the central focus of economic development. Xi Jinping once saw that a town government office he was visiting had a wall covered in red banners with congratulations for all sorts of accomplishments except for economic development. Xi thought that while it was certainly great to be awarded such honor banners, the leadership could not elevate relatively minor tasks without focusing on the main objective. He called for everyone to join forces to make full use of the geographical advantages Ningde was blessed with and form an "economic chorus," not another central task. Under his plan, Ningde firmly adhered to the principle of "one central task, two basic points"4 at all times.
With Ningde's relative poverty in mind, Xi Jinping repeatedly called for bold reforms and opening up. Even though Ningde is somewhat economically disadvantaged, it lies in a coastal region right next to Taiwan and the Pacific Ocean, and it has one of China's few deep-water ports. Given these features, the fastest way to resolve the persistent problems of lack of funding and talent is to speed up reforms, open up even further, increase domestic cooperation, and absorb foreign investment. We must not shy away from using outside funds and technology to develop our own resources, including Ningde's unique marine, stone, and lumber resources. This requires greater awareness of reform and opening up among officials and better business sense. No difficulty is too great as long as we are bold enough, try new things, and act First.
How Can a Weak Hatchling Bird Be the First to Fly?
-Thoughts from Inspecting the Nine Counties of Ningde
"Economic Chorus"
The Basic Proficiency of Officials
-Maintaining Close Ties with the People
The Glories of Ningde
-Thoughts on Cultural Progress
Clean Government Is the Historical Mission of Communists
A Chat About Entering Public Service
The Nature of a Secretary's Work
-An Intimate Discussion with Officials in Prefecture and County General Offices
Water Droplets Drilling Through Rock
Always Keeping the People in Mind
-On Handling Petition Work in the New Situation
Seize New Opportunities
Thoughts on Economic Development in Ningde Prefecture
Work for the Interests of the Local People with Each Term in Office
JournaLism: Mastering the Fundamentals
Correctly Manage Six Relationships in Ningde's Economic Development
Both Sides of Ningde's Fiscal Economy in the New Situation
Opening Up the F.conomv of the She People
Forests Are the Key to Ningde's Revitalization
-Thoughts on a Strategic Issue for Economic Development in Ningde
Strengthening the Great Unity of All Ethnic Groups
-Reflections on Promoting the Common Prosperity of Ethnic Minorities
Real Options for Drafting and Implementing an Industrial Policy
Breaking Through Difficulties
-Thoughts on Developing Township Enterprises in Poor Areas
Let the Pcople's Congress Play a Bigger Role in Ningde's Development
Actively and Steadilv Reform the Communist Youth League
Intellectual and Cultural Progress in Impoverished Areas
Enhancing Our Core Strength on the Front Line for Eliminating Poverty
-Building Rural Party Organizations
Developing a New Resource
-The Transfer of Surplus Rural Labor
How Should We Run Education?
The Path to Developing Big Agriculture
Building Collective Economic Strength in Townships and Villages to Alleviate Poverty
With One Heart and One Mind, the Country and People Will Flourish
-Parting Words for the Leading Officials of Ningde Prefecture
The unique geographical locauons and specific economic development conditions of impoverished areas mean that development and change in those places can only be a gradual process. To fundamentally alter poverty and backwardness, the people there must engage in a long-term, unremitting effort with an entrepreneurial spirit of tenacity and dedication, like "water droplets drilling through rock." To this end, officials in impoverished areas have a more arduous task than others. What kind of basic proficiency, then, is required of these officials? To answer thus question, we must look at the larger question of the basic conditions for development and change in poor areas. What does the development of impoverished areas rely on? Most fundamentally, there are only two things: first, the Party's leadership and, second, the power of the people. The Party's leadership is embodied in the Party's guidelines, principles, and policies, which are executed by our officials. Only when they go out among the people and maintain close ties with them can officials better implement the Party's principles and policies. This is one aspect of the answer. The other aspect is that the people need leadership. Without leadership, we can neither increase or sustain the enthusiasm of the people. In order to lead, we must have credibility; there can be no real leadership without credibility. Where does a leader's credibility come from? It does not come from relying on higher authorities, exerting power, or using gimmicks. It is only built gradually by working for the people wholeheartedly, with dedication and perseverance. A leader must be proficient. Where does such proficiency come from? It comes from understanding and mastering objective laws, which is embedded in practice among the people.


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