\t 侯昆主编的《简明实用英语语法(普通高等学校外语类专业十三五规划教材)》针对英语学习者*容易犯错的语法和句法现象进行归纳和分析,在讲解的基础上提供开放式练习,让学习者能够感知英语如何被本族语者使用。本书共14讲,包含基础句子结构、动词时体态、语气、非谓语动词、关系从句、名词性从句、wh-位移、副词性从句和主谓一致。本书力求将第二语言习得理论应用于语法教学和学习,使语法课不再是规则介绍,而*注重语法规则的实际使用。
Unit 1 Introduction
I.I Sentence elements
1.2 Basic sentence types
1.3 Categories of phrases
Post-class exercise
Unit 2 Determiners
2.1 Membership
2.2 Central determiners
2.3 Predeterminers
2.4 Postdeterminers
Post-class exercise
Unit 3 Articles
3.1 Generic reference
3.2 Specific reference: definite article
3.3 Indefinite articles and zero article
Post-class exercise
Unit 4 Tense and Aspect
4.1 Simple present tense
4.2 Present progressive aspect
4.3 Present perfective aspect
4.4 Present perfective progressive aspect
4.5 Simple past tense
4.6 Past progressive aspect
4.7 Past perfective aspect
4.8 Past perfective progressive aspect
Post-class exercise
Unit 5 Future Time
5.1 Will / shall bare infinitive
5.2 Be going to infinitive (be gonna in oral)
5.3 Be to infinitive
5.4 Will / shall present progressive aspect or perfective aspect
5.5 Present progressive
5.6 Simple present tense
5.7 Expressions for future time in the past
Post-class exercise
Unit 6 Voice
6.1 Active voice (AV) and passive voice (PV)
6.2 Constraints on PV transformation
6.3 When and where to use PV
6.4 Two types of PV
Post-class exercise
Unit 7 Mood
7.1 Present subjunctive mood
7.2 Past subjunctive mood
Post-class exercise
Unit 8 Infinitive
8.1 Aspect and voice of the infinitive
8.2 Syntactic roles of the infinitive
8.3 To-infinitive and bare-infinitive
8.4 Preposition to
8.5 V infinitive
Post-class exercise
Unit 9 -ing Nonfinite Verb
9.1 Gerund
9.2 Present participle
9.3 Comparison between infinitive, gerund and present participle.
Post-class exercise
Unit 10 -en Participle
10.1 Subject complement
10.2 Attribute
10.3 Adverbial
10.4 Object complement
10.5 Independent structure
Post-class exercise
Unit 11 Relative Clause
11.1 Types of relative clause
11.2 Relative pronouns
11.3 Relative adverbs
Post-class exercise
Unit 12 Nominal Clause
12.1 Subject clause
12.2 Object clause
12.3 Complement clause
Post-class exercise
Unit 13 Adverbial Clause
13.1 Adverbial clause of time
13.2 Adverbial clause of cause
13.3 Adverbial clause of concession
13.4 Adverbial clause of condition
13.5 Adverbial clause of manner
13.6 Adverbial clause of place
13.7 Adverbial clause of purpose
13.8 Adverbial clause of result
Post-class exercise
Unit 14 Conditional Clause
14.1 Type I (real condition)
14.2 Type II (real condition)
14.3 Type III (unreal condition)
14.4 Type IV (unreal condition)
Post-class exercise
Unit 15 Wh-movement
15.1 Wh-movement (direct question)
15.2 Wh-movement (indirect question)
15.3 Constraints on wh-movement
Post-class exercise
Keys to the Exercises