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新东方 AP化学5分制胜
会员价:$34.00  VIP价:$32.64
作者:(美)John T. Moore (美)Richard H. Langley编著
出版日期:2018年1月    ISBN:9787560584935
版次: 版    印次:
开本:16开    页数:     装帧:平装-胶订
商品所属分类:图书 - 教育/学习 - 英语综合教程-其他综合教程
会员促销价: $32.30 (5% Off)   VIP促销价:$31.01 (9% Off)
预订价: $28.56 (16% Off)






STEP1 Set Up Your Study Program

1 What You Need to Know About the AP ChemistryExam, 3

Background of the Advanced PlacementProgram, 3

Who Writes the AP Chemistry Exam? 4

The AP Grades and Who Receives Them, 4

Reasons for Taking the AP ChemistryExam, 4

Questions Frequently Asked About the APChemistry Exam, 5

2 How to Plan Your Time, 9

Three Approaches to Preparing for the APChemistry Exam, 9

Calendar for Each Plan, 11

STEP2 Determine Your Test Readiness

3 Take a Diagnostic Exam, 17

Getting Started: The Diagnostic Exam, 18

Answers and Explanations, 28

Scoring and Interpretation, 32

STEP3 Develop Strategies for Success

4 How to Approach Each Question Type, 35

Multiple-Choice Questions, 35

Free-Response Questions, 38

STEP4 Review the Knowledge You Need to ScoreHigh,

5 Basics, 45

Units and Measurements, 46

Dimensional Analysis—The Factor LabelMethod, 47

The States of Matter, 48

The Structure of the Atom, 48

Periodic Table, 52

Oxidation Numbers, 55

Nomenclature Overview, 55

Experimental, 61

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 61

Review Questions, 62

Rapid Review, 67

6 Reactions and Periodicity, 69

AP Exam Format, 70

General Aspects of Chemical Reactionsand Equations, 70

General Properties of Aqueous Solutions,71

Precipitation Reactions, 72

Oxidation–Reduction Reactions, 73

Coordination Compounds, 77

Acid–Base Reactions, 78

Experimental, 82

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 82

Review Questions, 83

Rapid Review, 86

7 Stoichiometry, 88

Moles and Molar Mass, 89

Percent Composition and EmpiricalFormulas, 89

Reaction Stoichiometry, 91

Limiting Reactants, 92

Percent Yield, 93

Molarity and Solution Calculations, 94

Experimental, 95

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 95

Review Questions, 95

Rapid Review, 101

8 Gases, 102

Kinetic Molecular Theory, 103

Gas Law Relationships, 104

Experimental, 112

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 113

Review Questions, 114

Rapid Review, 118

9 Thermodynamics, 120

Calorimetry, 121

Laws of Thermodynamics, 123

Products Minus Reactants, 123

Thermodynamics and Equilibrium, 127

Experimental, 128

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 128

Review Questions, 129

Rapid Review, 133

10Spectroscopy, Light, and Electrons, 134

The Nature of Light, 134

Wave Properties of Matter, 136

Atomic Spectra, 136

Atomic Orbitals, 137

Photoelectron (Photoemission)Spectroscopy (PES), 138

Experimental, 139

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 139

Review Questions, 139

Rapid Review, 142

11Bonding, 144

Lewis Electron-Dot Structures, 145

Ionic and Covalent Bonding, 145

Molecular Geometry—VSEPR, 149

Valence Bond Theory, 151

Molecular Orbital Theory, 153

Resonance, 154

Bond Length, Strength, and MagneticProperties, 155

Experimental, 155

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 155

Review Questions, 156

Rapid Review, 159

12Solids, Liquids, and Intermolecular Forces, 162

Structures and Intermolecular Forces, 163

The Liquid State, 164

The Solid State, 165

Phase Diagrams, 167

Relationship of Intermolecular Forces toPhase Changes, 169

Experimental, 169

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 169

Review Questions, 169

Rapid Review, 172

13Solutions and Colligative Properties, 173

Concentration Units, 174

Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes, 177

Colligative Properties, 177

Colloids, 181

Experimental, 182

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 182

Review Questions, 182

Rapid Review, 186

14Kinetics, 188

Rates of Reaction, 189

Integrated Rate Laws, 192

Activation Energy, 193

Reaction Mechanisms, 194

Catalysts, 195

Experimental, 195

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 196

Review Questions, 197

Rapid Review, 201

15Equilibrium, 203

Equilibrium Expressions, 205

Le Chatelier’s Principle, 206

Acid–Base Equilibrium, 207

Buffers, 215

Titration Equilibria, 216

Solubility Equilibria, 220

Other Equilibria, 222

Experimental, 222

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 223

Review Questions, 223

Rapid Review, 229

16Electrochemistry, 231

Redox Reactions, 232

Electrochemical Cells, 232

Quantitative Aspects of Electrochemistry,237

Nernst Equation, 239

Experimental, 240

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 240

Review Questions, 241

Rapid Review, 245

17Nuclear Chemistry, 247

Nuclear Reactions, 247

Nuclear Stability, 249

Nuclear Decay Calculations, 250

Mass–Energy Relationships, 251

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 252

Review Questions, 252

Rapid Review, 254

18Organic Chemistry, 255

Alkanes, 256

Structural Isomerism, 258

Common Functional Groups, 259

Macromolecules, 261

Experimental, 261

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 261

Review Questions, 262

Rapid Review, 265

19Experimental Investigation, 266

Experiment 1: Spectroscopy, 267

Experiment 2: Spectrophotometry, 270

Experiment 3: Gravimetric Analysis, 271

Experiment 4: Titration, 272

Experiment 5: Chromatography, 273

Experiment 6: Determination of the Typeof Bonding in Solid Samples, 274

Experiment 7: Stoichiometry, 275

Experiment 8: Redox Titration, 276

Experiment 9: Chemical and PhysicalChanges, 277

Experiment 10: Kinetics, 278

Experiment 11: Rate Laws, 279

Experiment 12: Calorimetry, 280

Experiment 13: Chemical Equilibrium—LeChatelier’s Principle, 280

Experiment 14: Acid-Base Titrations, 281

Experiment 15: Buffer pH, 282

Experiment 16: The Capacity of a Buffer,282

Common Mistakes to Avoid, 283

Review Questions, 283

Rapid Review, 285

STEP5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

APChemistry Practice Exam 1, 289

APChemistry Practice Exam 2, 317


SI Units, 347

Balancing Redox Equations Using theIon-Electron Method, 349

Common Ions, 353

Bibliography, 356

Web Sites, 357

Glossary, 358

Avoiding “Stupid Mistakes” on theFree-Response Section, 367

Exam Resources, 369


剑桥中级英语词汇及练习册+剑桥中级英语语法及练习册( 共4册左手页讲解,右手页练习,学练结合,培训自学均适用.在语境中学习语言,在体验中学以致用。)
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新东方 AP生物5分制胜
大家小书  英语学习(精)
朗文国际儿童英语 单词卡片6
实用英语综合教程 (第一册)(涂丽萍)
新东方 雅思预备教程(附练习册及MP3光盘)

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